Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year, New Blog Post

I kinda knew I wouldn't be very consistent with this blogging thing, I didn't quite imagine it'd be 6 months between posts though! I seriously underestimated my unreliability! I guess life can get a bit hectic with 6 kids underfoot but being the worlds best procrastinator is probably a more apt excuse.
Much has changed over the past 6 months but rather than recap it all I'm just going to start afresh and hope it all makes some sort of sense in the end. By far the biggest change though has been the addition of our newest little guy who is quite possibly the sweetest, most adorable creature ever to grace the earth. Don't believe me? Think I'm exaggerating? Well see for yourself. As they say, a picture speaks a thousand words, I'll let you be the judge ;)

We named him Levi and he is simply divine. Words can't adequately express the joy and wonder he's brought to our lives. He turns me into a gushing, soppy mess of mummy love.
And since I've jumped on the Fat Mum Slim Photo A Day Challenge (even though I know how reliably unreliable and inconsistent I am, I figure I can manage the first day at least?) and photo challenge #1 is a pic of yours truly (a truly mammoth challenge as I seriously LOATHE any and all photos of myself!) here is todays submission....